Online, We Miss You! Enjoy 5% Off
Online, We Miss You! Enjoy 5% Off
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It=E2=80=99s been a while since your last shipment with us, and we=E2=80=
=99re excited to have you back! To thank you for choosing Primorus Worldwid=
e, we=E2=80=99re offering a 5% discount on your next shipm=
Here’s how to claim your discount:
Book your next shipment as usual
Email us your discount code NY5OFF at discount=
@primorusworldwide.com before making your payment.
We=E2=80=99ll apply your discount to your shipment.
Book Your Shipment
=F0=9F=8C=8E Meet Your Personal AI Shipping Advisor
Did you know that we now have a free, multilingual AI Advisor to assist you with all your international shipping and customs quest=
Here=E2=80=99s what makes it special:
=F0=9F=93=96 Up-to-date knowledge on global shipping and customs regula=
=F0=9F=8C=8D Multilingual support =E2=80=93 ask questions in your prefe=
rred language
=F0=9F=8E=81 Unlimited, free usage for all customers
=E2=8F=B1=EF=B8=8F If the AI Advisor doesn=E2=80=99t know the answer, j=
ust type =E2=80=9CPrepare it for me=E2=80=9D and receive a detailed respons=
e via email within 2 days.
Try the AI Advisor Now
Thank you for choosing Primorus Worldwide =E2=80=93 your partner in seam=
less, reliable shipping.
=C2=A9 2024 Primorus Worldwide LLC. All rights reserved.
Phone 404.400.1826
Fax 404.745.8667
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Membership ID: 107171
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mmunication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication=
in error, notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it=
from your computer. Thank you. Primorus Worldwide
All business tr=
ansacted is subject to the Company’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Carri=
age, a copy of which is available upon request and which, in certain circum=
stances, exclude the Company’s liability and include certain indemnities wh=
ich benefit the Company.
Primorus Worldwide, 11175 Cicero Dr Suite 100, Alpharetta, GA 300=
22, United States, +1(706)962-3304
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